Making a chat bar. What am I doing with it without multiplayer?

Commands of course!!!!!

Here are some commands:

  • /warpset - Sets the warp. Currently available via key O.
  • /warp - Take you to your warp. Currently available via key P.
  • /kill - Sets health to 0 and takes you back to your spawn.
  • /world <arg> - Reads whatever world information you put there.
  • /resetworld <seed> <tile1> <tile2> <levelnumber> - Resets the world, unless the levelnumber is different from the current world, which will reset the other world.
  • /tp <x> <y> - Teleports to the X and Y used. Supports decimal.
  • /changelevel <level> <seed> - Switches to the level used. Supports 200,000 levels because I felt like that's a good cap to prevent massive save data. Minegrid doesn't support save data yet But Just You Wait

/world arguments

  • Seed - outputs the world seed.
  • Name - shows level name.
  • Number - Level number.

/resetworld arguments

  • Seed - That's the seed the new world will use.
  • Tile 1 - The grass tile. Top tile of the world.
  • Tile 2 - The dirt tile. All under the grass.

/changelevel arguments

  • Level - The level you go to.
  • Seed - The seed. Ignored if you go to a world that exists.

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